App Player Platform
service to play
mobile games on PC
P2E Platform
P2E game service
NFT exchange Platform
P2E-based Game Items and
Digital Asset Transaction Service
The assets in the game are going to be My Wallet
Thanks to the block-chain technology supported by the MGN project, game User can own in-game assets such as achievements and items that were simply data in the game in their wallets like real estate.
[Platform Biz]
1. Indonesia Service Open
2. End-User secure (20 million)
3. Mobile to PC / PC to Mobile
[Platform Biz]
1. P2E Game Developer Alliance
2. P2E Game genre expansion
3. API Interworking
4. MGN Token Ecosystem
[Platform Biz]
1. MGN Token-base NFT exchange
2. Block-chain Game Items and Digital
Asset Transactions
3. cashing function offer